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Popular personality assessments like the Myers Briggs Type Indicator and  the Enneagram are becoming more incorporated in coaching and even counseling these days. Today's episode is all about a lesser known personality assessment called The Human Design System and how it can be used as a tool in personal development.
Dr. Fedrick specializes in working with depression, anxiety, trauma, relationship issues, attachment, grief and loss, life transitions, and personal improvement (including motivation & self-esteem).
On this episode of we explore the many options available whether you choose to stay home as you age or decide to move into one of their beautiful life plan retirement communities.
We all know about the three main trauma responses, flight, fight, or freeze, but many of us haven’t considered how those responses remain  in our bodies long after the stressor has gone away. Today's episode offers a new option for working through past traumas.
Virginia Beach Restaurant Week is a week that many in Hampton Roads look forward to. It's a week where participating restaurants in Virginia Beach showcase their menus at affordable prices. This allows the public to check out new restaurants, new dishes, go outside of their comfort zone- and not break the bank. 
Autism is defined as “a developmental disorder of variable severity that is characterized by difficulty in social interaction and communication and by restricted or repetitive patterns of thought and behavior.” Research says that right now 1 in every 54 children is diagnosed with Autism, and that number is continually on the rise. On this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected- Dr. Fedrick is joined by Thomas Henley, an Autism and Mental Health Advocate.
It goes without saying that the pandemic has had a huge impact on the overall populations’ mental health. Human interaction and physical activity are both ways to stay mentally healthy.
Dr Halim treats her patients holistically with the latest, most appropriate solutions, from the inside out, with the aim of achieving long-term benefits in both beauty and health.
As we  enter the third calendar year affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, the mental health cultures of companies across the globe are taking a significant hit. Whether from isolation due to working from home or anxiety concerning returning to the office, many employees are struggling  and employers are faced with the challenge of caring for their employees in impactful ways.
In the mental health world new terms come and go, but sometimes the way professionals think about certain conditions changes, too. You may have heard the term "neurodivergent," but did you know that mental health professionals are beginning to change the way they view differences in brain processes?