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The idea of a bouquet of flowers brightening someones day is one thing, but what if flowers could be used as an effective remedy for a variety of problems?
Integrative medicine is the incorporation of BOTH pharmaceuticals(mainstream Medicine) AND herbal, alternative, functional & naturopathic treatments. It’s not as much WHAT you eat as it is HOW you eat... Because a lot of people are so focused on eating less or more, they are not discovering that the switching of a simple breakfast item with a lunch item or vice versa, the gastric acid release for the specific starches & proteins will be operating at a most proficient efficiency .
We're all familiar with the term "identity crisis," but many of us haven't considered that we've spent our entire lives in one big identity crisis. Concepts of identity are fragile and susceptible to unhealthy bases, whether that be connected to finances, physical ability, or appearance. So how does one reconnect to healthy, authentic forms of identity?
All journeys of self-improve and transformation are bound to hit some snags. It's easy to fall into the trap of self-sabotage and walk back any progress you've made. So how do you work through the inevitable setbacks or self-sabotage tendencies?
Therapy is an invaluable tool, but what do you do when you need some advice or perspective between sessions? The Journal That Talks Back answers that question with an interactive coaching experience that's always there to lend you the professional support you need.
Meet Gian-Carlo Torres, entrepreneur and glutathione proponent. “Four years ago, I was a broke 19-year-old who had no idea what to do for a career. In this growing process, my dear mother gets ill. From being super active in volunteer work and entrepreneurship to having so much fatigue and pain. She was literally in bed the whole year!” 
It's easy to have a  limited idea of what therapy looks like, but today's episode is a welcome reminder that there are many forms of therapy to choose from. Group therapy, for instance, offers a variety of benefits traditional one-on-one therapy can't. Joining Dr. Fedrick for this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected is Brittany Johnson, LPC, from the Western Tidewater Community Services Board. Brittany is the Program Director for the State Opioid Response program where she oversees group sessions. She is here to talk to Dr. Fedrick about the benefits of her work in the program as well as the unique benefits of group therapy.
Creating a productive and healthy work environment is a challenge even during normal times. How do you create a thriving workplace when many are still working from home and still dealing with the ramifications from Covid-19? The answer might be surprisingly simple: meditation. Joining this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected is Meris Gebhardt, Founder of Opulent Mindfulness. She is here to share how her experience in sales and personal history of anxiety led to her founding a company to bring mindfulness to the corporate world.
Justine Hernandez is a Life Design Coach. She likes to focus on your environment and how your subconscious blocks are also manifesting through your home or business. She uses Feng Shui principles and transformational coaching tools to help you identify your vision, goals and journey to create a life that you love and that expresses your Passions, Style, and Purpose.
Relationships can be tricky. Many of us didn’t grow up with the best role models when it comes to healthy relationships. On this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected, Dr. Fedrick is going to reveal the keys to having healthy and happy relationships. Joining this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected is April Lightsey, PhD and Licensed Professional Counselor. She is here to give hope and shed some light on getting help after trauma!