
Living 757

Living 757

An innovative magazine TV show combining comedy, live music, videos, interviews, and Hampton Roads events.

To View This Week’s Entire Episode, Click Here

It’s a balancing act to give kids something to eat that they’ll like, and that’s good for them. Add to that the need to prepare something that’s quick and easy, or, better yet, offer up a dish that they can safely make.
It’s that time of year again! The temperatures are rising, and people are finding out the hard way that they need the professionals to rescue their HVAC systems!
There is no shortage of love when it comes to the Living 757 family and our furry friends! But things can get quite sticky when it comes to being a dog owner if you come across someone who isn’t very responsible with their pet.
Quincy picked the perfect day to hop in the car and go for a drive, and he didn’t go alone! He invited his good friend and fellow comedian Gina G along for the ride.
As some of you may or may not know, Ashley took a trip back to Los Angeles in the fall to visit some of her girlfriends for Halloween. She didn’t feel like she was living healthy enough to hang with the girls- so team member Megan stepped in and helped whip her into shape!
Tyler and Chuck from Norfolk Air, Heating, Plumbing, Cooling and Electric stopped by Living 757. They are experts at the comfort of a connected home!
Let’s face it, everyone is self conscious about something when it comes to their skin. Lucky for all of us, there happens to be a magical peel that you can get at The Salt Spa and Wellness Center!
In the past, mental health has been a somewhat taboo topic. More recently, it has been front and center when it comes to health ailments.
Most people are either driving a car, or riding in a car almost every single day of their lives. But what does everyone *really* know about cars and how to take care of them?
We’ve all seen it. An older home with the original bathroom still intact. Most of these restrooms are equipped with “interestingly colored” showers. The olive greens, mustard yellows, bubble gum pinks. They’re an eyesore to say the least! Lucky for all of us, our friends at West Shore Home are ready to save the day and upgrade that old shower to something new and beautiful.