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Yurview Virginia


An Introduction to Intuitive Eating

It seems like there is a new diet fad that pops up every other week these days. But more often than not, the fad diets don’t work, and people are left right back where they started.. Jennifer D’Amato joins Dr. Fedrick for this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected to give us the 411 on intuitive eating!

A Question from the Audience: Relationship Repetition

On this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected, Dr. Liz tackles a question from the audience: “Why do I keep ending up in the same relationships over and over again?" Many people struggle with ending up in the same (“bad”) types of relationships over and over!

Reexaming and Working Through Perfectionism

Many people know first hand, the stressful toll that perfectionism can take on our lives. On this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected, Dr. Fedrick is joined by Cynthia Alvarez, LCSW, to address the issue of perfectionism head on.

Opioid Abuse Awareness and Prevention

On this episode of We are Living Healthy, Alexis is joined by Dennis Southers, M.S.E.D CSAC,CPS Educator and Patricia Crumrine: M.S.E.D Educator from the city of Virginia Beach, to talk about substance abuse and how Covid 19 affected consumption.

Overcoming Addiction Using Fitness

An addiction is an incredibly powerful thing to break. This leaves us coming up with innovative ways to try and beat addiction. On this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected we welcome Rob Best, the creator of The Barbell Saves Project.

Transparency with Therapy and Mental Health

It’s becoming more and more prevalent that public figures are being open and honest when it comes to their mental health struggles. This is helping the subject of mental health to be a lot less “taboo” than it used to be. J.D. Durkin, host of “None of the Above with J.D. Durkin” and anchor of Cheddar News, joins Dr. Fedrick on this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected to open up about his mental health journey.

Enneagram Personality Types and Relationships

People are all so unique, that when they come together to form a relationship- it can spell disaster! Enter Dave Glaser- a relationship coach, and host of “The Challenger Podcast.” He joins Dr. Liz on this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected to talk about the enneagram and how it relates to relationships.

A Look at Lipedema

On this episode of We are Living Healthy, Alexis is joined by Dr. Thomas Su, M.D, Dr. Thomas Su, is the owner and cosmetic surgeon of Artistic Lipo. Dr. Su began his medical career in internal medicine, practicing that until 2005, when he began to provide a full spectrum of non-invasive cosmetic procedures.

Dr. Ellis on Nutrition and Mental Health

We all know that it’s really easy to start to snack on our favorite comfort foods when we are feeling stressed. But why do we do it? Dr. Erin Ellis joins Dr. Fedrick on this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected to shed some light on the topic of nutrition, and how it plays a role in our mental health.

Rewiring Your Brain with Neurotechnology

Neurotechnology is defined as “the assembly of methods and instruments that enable a direct connection of technical components with the nervous system.” But what in the world does that have to do with our mental health?! Dr. Fedrick chats with Toby Pasman, a neurophysiology researcher, on this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected.