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Have you ever wondered how a vegan lifestyle could change your life? On today's episode Rebekah Ortiz is breaking down veganism and giving you a taste of her wellness business "Detox Dandy."
On this Dining Out segment, Karen meets with Randy Thomas, the president of the Vanguard, and learns about another fantastic pairing: Smoked Wings and Peated American single-malt whiskey. This smokey, delicious combination is a must try!
Calm, Cool and Connected has a new show host! Get to know this amazing mental health professional and subscribe to the show so you don't miss a single episode.
Have you ever been in the middle of the best night of your life- and then you woke up? This happens extremely frequently. People wake up after having a dream and think “what does it mean?” Lots of people resort to Google to try and find out the deeper meaning behind their dreams, but there is a better option. Enter: Benjamin the Dream Wizard.
It is no secret that parents have had the difficult task of steering teens away from illegal drug use for a very long time. But what about the dangers that lurk inside the walls of our home? Our friends from Chesapeake Integrated Behavioral Healthcare join us for this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected to discuss the misuse of over the counter medications in teens.
On this episode of We Are Living Healthy, Alexis Perkins is joined by Annesa Faticoni of KTMA Yoga. Annesa is passionate about her practice and making it accessible and applicable in everyday life. Hear about how her practice has bettered her life and how you can start your own journey today.
It happens in life, that sometimes when you are least expecting it- tragedy strikes. Tragedy has the power to disrupt literally every part of our lives. On this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected we are joined by Sam Led. He is a mindset and transformation coach, and he has developed a program that allows him to help people recover from a life setback or loss. 
Self help and self improvement are two areas that draw people in on a consistent basis. But what about self reflection? Self reflection is defined as meditation or serious thought about one's character, actions, and motives. Chris Winfield-Blum is an expert on the subject matter, and he even founded his own app called “My Reflections,” to help along the way. He joins us on this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected.
G3 is an exciting new initiative for Virginians! Essentially this is Virginia's version of free community college for middle to low income students who are looking to have careers in certain areas. Whether you are a new student or someone who has lost their job due to Covid or other reasons, the G3 can help you, if you qualify financially.
Ashley, Quincy and Patricia challenge themselves with a mental exercise involving riddles and logic.  How did they fare?  Well, let's just say they needed some help.