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Reed Rickards


Investing in Our Youth with the YMCA of South Hampton Roads

Joining Dr. Fedrick on this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected are Caleb Cooper and Sarah Baker from the YMCA of South Hampton Roads. They are going to share with us how the YMCA is seeking to keep our youth healthy- both physically and mentally.

Changing Careers & Leaving Jobs

Joining hosts Vince and Valerie is psychologist and counselor Dr. Greg Cason. He shares how you can decipher what kind of change you're looking for in your career, how to go about making that change, and what to avoid when making the big move.

The Keys to Emotional Regulation and Deescalation

Joining Dr. Fedrick on this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected is Noelle Drake. Noelle is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst and has worked with individuals with disabilities and their families since 2003. She is going to help explain how de-escalation is a great strategy to use when dealing with behavioral challenges.

Transforming Fear to Confidence In Any Stage of Life

Joining Dr. Fedrick on this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected is Jennifer Watson. She is a visionary, speaker and entrepreneur, and she is going to give us the 411 on turning fear into confidence- and changing your life!

Mennowood Retirement Community

On this episode of We Are Living Healthy, Mennowood Community Retirement share a very personal and lovely story about Clare Mehrens and her beloved parents.

Total Care Dentistry with Dr. Wardius

Dr. Wardius is a native of Pennsylvania where she practiced in her home town with one of her brothers. After visiting Virginia Beach for multiple years, she decided to relocate.

Understanding Gambling Disorders with Chesapeake Integrated Behavioral Health

On this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected- Dr. Liz is joined by our friends at Chesapeake Integrated Behavioral Healthcare to take a deeper dive into the world of problem gambling.

Hormones and Mental Health

Joining Dr. Fedrick on this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected is Dr. Azza Halim. She is going to help break down the pivotal role that hormones play in our mental health.

Riverside Earn and Learn Program

The Riverside Earn and Learn Program is offering paid education to students. Students are educated as CNA's while having their tuition covered and being paid a fair wage. Every aspect of their study is covered, including books. 

Total Body Workout with Alexis

If you want to learn an effective full body workout routine optimized from home or your favorite space, then you need some tips from Alexis.