Home Authors Posts by Erica Cardenas

Erica Cardenas

Erica Cardenas

A Season of Hope: Christmas Memories Old and New

For as long as I can remember, the Christmas season has always been a time filled with extra special moments and cherished memories. I chuckle to myself as I recall those early years when I would eagerly await my turn to exchange a lengthy (2-minute) conversation with Santa at the mall, fully expecting him...
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Helping Students Succeed and Thrive During Challenging Times

School is back in session and for many of us, online learning continues to be the temporary ‘norm’. The transition to an online learning environment can be challenging, even in the best of circumstances. As educators continue to strive to minimize the disruption of school life, teachers and students are making the best of...

Building Resilience and Why It’s Important to Your Health

Resilience...it’s the mental reservoir of strength that people are able to call on in times of need to carry them through tough times. Psychologists define resilience as the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy and significant sources of stress. As much as resilience involves “bouncing back” from these difficult...
Doing More

Inspiration and Ideas for a Safe, Fun Summer Season

On this episode of “Doing More” we’re giving you some tips and ideas on summer activities, you can have and create (on a budget), while still honoring the government guidelines to keep us all healthy and safe.

Safe, Practical Ways to ‘Re-enter’ Society During Covid-19

While there’s no playbook for living through a pandemic, there remains many ways to take precautions to minimize risk, while still having a life going forward. As we all know, states continue to lift restrictions, so how can we each play our part to keep ourselves, and one another, safe? On this latest episode of...

Addiction is a ‘Disease of Isolation’: Healthy Ways to Get Through This Time

There’s no doubt that life has completely shifted and changed for all of us over these last several months due to the pandemic and social distancing. We’ve adjusted our routines and lifestyles, both inside and outside of the home, and have even reinvented the way we are celebrating the important milestones in our lives. But...
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Future Leaders Inspired Through ‘Virtual Graduation Project’

People everywhere have altered their lifestyles and plans in the midst of the pandemic in order to stay healthy and safe, and in an era of social distancing, this has also included re-imagining some of life’s important milestones. And while physically celebrating these special events still looks pretty different, there is no doubt that honoring these moments is still so very important.

Helpful Tips to Cope With Isolation: You Are Not Alone

Over the last few months, so much has shifted and changed in how we live our everyday lives due to the COVID-19 virus, and with that naturally has come certain fears, worries and uncertainty. On this episode of “Your Health” we’re digging deeper into that topic and talking about ways to cope with the...

Nutrition Month – Eat Right with these Healthy Tips!

Each month here on “Your Health”, we look forward to bringing you a wealth of information on all things health and wellness and this month we’re exploring the important role nutrition plays in our health for National Nutrition Month. From food trends and nutritional tips, to making informed food choices and developing sound eating...

Food is Medicine: How Juicing Can Help Your Overall Health

I’ve been juicing for years and love experimenting with different combinations of fruits and veggies. My favorite go-to blend has always been beet, carrot and apple – so refreshing! So, you can imagine my level of excitement (very high) when I learned we would be filming the current episode of “Your Health” out at...