Home Authors Posts by Erica Cardenas

Erica Cardenas

Erica Cardenas
black history month

Celebrating Community Through Hope, Faith and Resilience

Doing More celebrates the numerous achievements and accomplishments of African Americans during Black History Month. Plus a veteran biscuit maker in Virginia, Connect2Stem & Cox Charities Golf Tournament events in Arizona.

Tips to Jump start Healthy Change in Your Life

When it comes to living a healthier and more balanced life, there are small changes that all of us can make that really do add up to make a big difference. Jump starting your health for 2020 is the topic of conversation in this latest episode of “Your Health,” now airing! We had the...
erica cardenas doing more

Honoring the Strength, Courage and Commitment of Our Veterans

We love bringing you good news stories and here at “Doing More” we thought what a better way to kick off the new decade than by honoring our fellow heroes, our veterans! Cox Southwest Employee Resource Group Salutes Veterans On this episode, we had the privilege of chatting with some Cox employees, also veterans, who shared...

Alzheimer’s Awareness Month Ignites Hope to End the Disease

Every 70 seconds, another American family is affected by Alzheimer’s. In fact, more than 5 million people in the United States have Alzheimer’s and more than 10 million are caring for a loved one with the disease. No one should face Alzheimer’s alone, and the Alzheimer’s Association Desert Southwest Chapter understands that. November is...
doing more

Taking Care of the Planet Begins at Home and in Our Communities

This month on “Doing More”, we explore how taking care of our planet begins right here at home - in the communities we live, work and play. For the “Doing More” team, our home is Arizona, so we headed over to the McDowell Sonoran Conservancy in Scottsdale to check out the trails and learn...
Doing More Erica Cardenas

Building One Another Up: Better Together

There’s something incredible that happens when we come together to connect, celebrate, encourage and lift one another up. It ignites hope, change and truly makes our world a better place. It creates commUNITY. I recently had the privilege of touring an amazing property that’s all about this type of connectivity. It’s designed to help adults with...

Look Good & Feel Good: Healthy Tips for Families

Healthy Teeth for Life: Tips for Families Having healthy teeth takes a lifetime of care. Even if you’ve been told that you have nice teeth, it’s so important to take the right steps every day to take care of them and prevent problems. Your Health visited Midwestern University Dental Institute to learn more about...

Bring Fun Back to Your Fitness Routine, Get Inspired!

For many of us, it's the time of year when our fitness routines might start to drop off and we find our motivation slipping. But no worries, if you've hit a rut in your fitness journey, there are some inspiring ways to bring back the enthusiasm. On this month's episode of "Your Health" we're...
National Nutrition Month

This Month is National Nutrition Month: Take a Bite!

If you resolved to stay heathy in 2019 and your resolution fell apart last month, now is the perfect time to pick up the pieces and try again, as National Nutrition Month is upon us! Celebrated annually in March, this campaign strives to educate and inform us about the importance of making good eating...

New Year, Healthier You: Set Yourself Up for Success

By Erica Cardenas The new year is in full swing which means many people are working hard to stick to new goals. At its core, a New Year's resolution is an attempt to change your behavior by either creating a new habit, like reading more books, or to change an old one, like chewing on...