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Mental health issues are prevalent, yet there are still stigma attached to mental health problems as a whole. Tree of Stars is trying to change that. On this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected, Rachel Ann is joined by Jessica Compton- the founder of Tree of Stars. They chat about how Tree of Stars uses music and art to promote mental health awareness. 
The malty sweetness of the Red Ale brings out the sweet and spiciness of the Korean BBQ sandwich, making it the perfect combination.  Trust us, you will want to try this pairing!
About 34 million people nationwide live with with diabetes and another almost 90 million are in a pre-diabetes condition where they have elevated blood sugars, but not quite to the level of diagnosis.
Sometimes your life is seemingly perfect from the outside. Perfect job, perfect husband, perfect house, etc. Then one day you find yourself in the midst of a massive panic attack feeling like the world is ending. What do you do now?
​In our area, we most commonly see the Northern Copperhead and on the southside both the Copperhead as well as the Eastern Cottonmouth (Water Moccasin). There are small populations of Canebrake Rattlesnake that are found in Southeastern Virginia as well but are rare.
Growing up and learning who you are is always a process. What if you were brought up Christian and then came out as gay? Nancy Shadlock joins us on this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected to tell us her story.
Sylvia Dadaian, certified massage therapist, talks us through the background of the sympathetic versus parasympathetic nervous systems, and guides us through why massage is so beneficial to your mental health.
What advice would you give to people considering becoming foster parents?  Not all agencies are the same. They provide different support for the families. Find the agency that is going to be a good fit for your family.  Have a family conversation about it, sharing your expectations about it. Take the step and start your journey.
We know that going to therapy can be hard, but what happens when the relationship between you and your therapist isn’t working out? Lauren Siegel, Licensed Social Worker, joins us on this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected to discuss what the relationship with your therapist should look like.
Riverside Regional Medical is a comprehensive stroke center.  This means that they can treat both minor and major strokes and offers all levels of stroke care necessary to patients.