Our hosts love it when they find a good deal. Who doesn’t love finding a good deal?! And right now our friends at Closet Factory are having their biggest sale of the year!
Closet Factory Designer Brittni de Rossi paid us a visit to tell us more.
The sale is running NOW through Labor Day, which falls on September 4th this year! It’s the biggest sale with the steepest discounts that Closet Factory has ever offered!
Here’s the breakdown:
-15% off for new clients
-20% off for returning clients
-25% off for returning clients who have been on their show, Operation Reorganization!
The sale comes at the perfect time, since it just so happens to fall on the company’s 20 year anniversary.
Brittni tells Patricia and Quincy that one of her favorite designs ever was a huge closet for a client in Virginia Beach. The client picked the most beautiful accessories, glass doors, and the color selection was perfect!
To see examples of their designs and to hear more about the types of projects they do, be sure to watch the full video!
For more information about Closet Factory: www.closetfactory.com/locations/hampton-roads/
To watch episodes of their show, Operation Reorganization: https://www.yurview.com/category/shows/operation-reorganization/
To watch this week’s entire episode of Living 757, click here!
If you want to view past episodes of Living 757, click here!
And if you would like to see someone featured on the show, please email Share@Living757.com!