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Huffman & Huffman Talks Motorcycle Laws and Safety!

Sponsored by Huffman & Huffman

With the start of summer comes an uptick in both temperatures, and in the number of motorcycles on our roadways! Our friend Attorney David Ratz from Huffman & Huffman, who also happens to be a motorcycle rider, stopped by the Living 757 studio to give our resident motorcycle riders some tips on safety.


An important statistic to note off the bat: motorcycle accidents and fatalities are the most common out of all vehicle accidents.

So making sure you are driving safely while on your motorcycle is of utmost importance!


Part of the reason for this statistic, is the difference in protection between a vehicle (where you have walls protecting you), and a motorcycle -where you don’t have the same safety featured that a vehicle offers.


Attorney Ratz says that it’s important to follow the rules of the road, just like when driving a car. Don’t drive distracted, don’t speed, and be aware of your surroundings. Following the laws are even more imperative when riding on a motorcycle!

Also, your fashion choices are important! Be sure to wear protective gear to keep you safe in case an accident does happen.


Patricia, Quincy and David play a quick game of “what is more dangerous” before David has to take off down the road!


For more information please watch the full video and visit their website at https://www.huffmanhuffman.com/

Or connect with them on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/HuffmanandHuffman/

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