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Save on High Water Bills By Going Tankless

Sponsored By: Bud's Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning and Electric

Who out there has to let the water run FOREVER just to get warm water going for the shower?  And what if you’re the third line behind the “long shower takers” in your family? 

 These 2 situations can lead to high water bills and C-O-L-D showers (Ugh!).

What is the solution?  A tankless water heater system –of course.   

Aaron Hilton, a Plumbing Technician from Bud’s Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning and Electric explained the many benefits BEYOND higher energy efficiency, of a tankless water heater. 

 First of all, tankless water heaters give you an unlimited supply of hot water!  No more waiting an hour for hot water after it has all been used up, or timing your laundry, or dish washing with your bathing routine. 

Secondly, tankless water heaters are about the size of a suitcase.  Removing that large, bulky water heating tank, can free up space for storage while removing an old eyesore! 

 Another benefit is that tankless systems have an automatic shut-off and can give you an error code if there are any issues.  This is a much better “alert” than a huge puddle of water on the floor!

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Switching to a tankless water system is a snap.  A Bud’s expert will come to your home and take care of it all.  There is no need to stress and nothing to prep. 

So, when you’re ready to go tankless, be sure to call the experts at Bud’s Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning and Electric.  They’ll take great care of you! 

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