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Memory Care is Top Priority at Riverside’s Martha W. Goodson Center

Sponsored By: Riverside Health System


Learn about the Martha W Goodson Center and the amazing ways Riverside is helping patients and their families deal with the many issues involved with memory care.

Caring for a loved with dementia can be extremely difficult from a clinical perspective, but can also be emotionally devastating for the families of the patient.

The wonderful staff at the Martha Goodson Center understands this. The support they provide covers every aspect from daily activities such as driving, to resources and even education about the disease.

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More importantly they will provide support to those living with the disease. The Memory Cafe provides an environment for patients to feel safe in the company of people in the same situation, while allowing the caregivers the opportunity to speak freely with doctors and staff.

If you or a family member are dealing with the difficult diagnosis of dementia, please call the Martha W Goodson Center. You are not alone, Riverside Health System is here to help.

For more information, check out their website: https://www.riversideonline.com/lifelong-health-and-aging/lifelong-health-and-aging/martha-w-goodson-center

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