Dr. Karaam Ellis—Temple of Human Spirituality

On this episode of We are Living Healthy, Alexis is joined by Dr. Karaam Ellis from Temple of Human Spirituality, and they talk about how to create a vessel to begin creating an environment where the Human can begin to truly heal. A vessel where Humanity can begin the work necessary to heal our planet, Earth.

Key Takeaways from Alexis chat with Dr Karaam Ellis

What is the Temple of Human Spirituality?

The Temple has been in existence in concept for longer than we may think. It is only being established in practicality because of the dire need for the Human to be healed. That “place” that houses the very best of who we are as Humans protected from the worst of what we have become as Humans. This is important because we as Humans need a point of reference to remind us of where we have to go. The Temple will accomplish this through an ambitious program called The Enclosed Garden Project. This project will create an enclosed space that will exist for meditation and reflective purposes only. No talking or communicating of any kind ill be allowed within the garden. The garden itself will be designed with various concepts of Nature (plants, flowers, earth, water, crystals, etc.).

Different ways to get healthy?

Nature, foods, Light nature are a lot of different things that we can do when it comes to diet.

Exposure to vibration and frequencies, the human itself it it’s a frequency. Also Dr Karram said, “ In fact, the answer to our problem as Humans is very simple indeed and it is rooted in a simple principle, “heal self, heal others and heal Earth”.

If you want to find more information about this topic, don’t miss this episode!

1. What is the Enclosed Garden Project?
2. Why does humanity need to heal?
3. What is The Human Race Bible?

For More Information on Dr. Ellis’ work:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheEnclosedGardens/
Temple of Human Spirituality website: drkaraam.wixsite.com
Kalu Kafe IG: @thekalucenter
KaLu Kafe website: thekalukafe.com

And follow us on Facebook: @WeAreLivingHealthyTV


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