
Your Health

Your Health

Your Health explores the latest health trends from across the country. Discover ways to live a healthier life through nutrition, fitness & lifestyle.

Losing weight can be a challenge, but Weight Watchers is here to help people eat healthier, be more active, and improve their mindset. The new Free Style program is flexible and has less point tracking than previous programs. Weight...
Erica heads to the Arizona Humane Society to talk about the health benefits of having a pet.
Being in the hospital can be scary for a child but the experts at Phoenix Children’s Hospital have found that dog therapy is the perfect dose of medicine for the kids.
Social media, peer pressure, a learning disability all can contribute to a difficult time growing up. Individuals who are unable to deal with the stress sometimes turn to drugs or alcohol. But the experts at Decision Point Center say...
By Erica Cardenas Calling all animal lovers! The bond and friendship between a person and their pet(s) is unexplainable. In fact, I'll be bold enough to say that perhaps it was never meant to be explained, it just is. Some...
By Jennifer Marshall You are special. You are worthwhile. You have a unique gift to share with the world. For those who possess a healthy measure of self-love, these are thoughts that are taken for granted. But for those who are...
By Erica Cardenas Whether it be a husband, father, son, brother, uncle or friend - it's pretty safe to say we all have men in our lives that we love and care about. As a wife and mother of two...
On this episode of Your Health we're talking men's health. We'll have a conversation with Diamondbacks' CEO Derrick Hall about his battle with prostate cancer, a center's new approach for addiction, help with chronic pain, a delicious smoothie recipe...
Erica Cardenas heads to a coffee shop to explore the topic of healthy vices and the benefits of coffee. We'll visit a center that helps people with addiction and a restaurant that designs its menu for what ails you.
Riot Hospitality Group started Farm & Craft with three simple concepts in mind: Food,  Affection and Community. They have displayed their affection for the community in a number of ways, including donating $20,000 to Folds of Honor. And every...