In celebration of Black History Month, Quincy takes a road trip following along with the Chesapeake African American Heritage Trail Self Guided Driving tour.
She has never stopped performing, and we just don't mean only singing. On February 23rd, she will be one of the featured speakers of the Hearing Our Voices speaker series at the Harrison Museum.
There are also some awesome opportunities through the ADA for kids or volunteers to partake in initiatives like Project Power or Imagine Camp. This will allow kids with diabetes to meet others just like them and be educated through a fun environment.
It is our desire that this Series will inform and educate all who attend, serve as a catalyst to dive into difficult conversations, and generate solutions to afford better opportunities for our entire community.
During the period more than half the city’s population was Black, most of them enslaved. The city was a major trade and diplomatic hub with indigenous tribes within Virginia land claimed by the British extending to the Mississippi.
But I wanted to tell a story about our youth and how sometimes they feel marginalized and misunderstood by their parents and the adults around them.
Most couples plan for the setup but never for the breakdown. The end of the night breakdown is usually always an after thought. Lots of friends and family want to help "Set-up" but no one wants to stay for the breakdown after a full day of event prep and celebrating.
This weeks, Road Trippin’ in the 757, takes us to Currituck county, just a stone’s throw away from Hampton Roads, to check out the sites. 
Welcome to 2021! Are you ready to navigate all of the financial pitfalls this year is likely to throw your way? Neither are we! So we brought Lisa Chenet from CLP Financial Group in to help us wrap our minds around ways...
The families in need get a wonderful warm meal and the volunteers get the opportunity to reach out and actually meet the people they are helping.