Mental health issues are prevalent, yet there are still stigma attached to mental health problems as a whole. Tree of Stars is trying to change that. On this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected, Rachel Ann is joined by Jessica Compton- the founder of Tree of Stars. They chat about how Tree of Stars uses music and art to promote mental health awareness. 
With technology being so present in our lives, does it start to play a role in our mental health? Here with us to dive into this topic is Lori H. Schwartz, Technology Catalyst and Trendmeister.
Working as a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist can be trying work, especially in a nursing home. But what happens to a CTRS when a global pandemic hits? Andrew Katko is a CTRS who was working in a nursing home when the Covid19 Pandemic swept the globe. He joins Rachel Ann for this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected to detail his experience. 
Obsessive compulsive disorder, or “OCD” for short, is defined as a disorder in which people have recurring, unwanted thoughts, ideas or sensations that make them feel driven to do something repetitively. On this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected we are joined by Dr. Marilisa Morea, founder and clinical director of Monarch Therapy + Wellness Centre.
Self help and self improvement are two areas that draw people in on a consistent basis. But what about self reflection? Self reflection is defined as meditation or serious thought about one's character, actions, and motives. Chris Winfield-Blum is an expert on the subject matter, and he even founded his own app called “My Reflections,” to help along the way. He joins us on this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected.
Our military veterans are one of the world’s most treasured populations. That being said, they are also one of the populations who is most effected by mental health ailments including traumatic brain injuries (also known as TBI’s), and Post Traumatic Stress (PTS). 
Self help and self improvement are two areas that draw people in on a consistent basis. But what about self reflection? Self reflection is defined as meditation or serious thought about one's character, actions, and motives. Chris Winfield-Blum is an expert on the subject matter, and he even founded his own app called “My Reflections,” to help along the way. He joins us on this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected.
It happens in life, that sometimes when you are least expecting it- tragedy strikes. Tragedy has the power to disrupt literally every part of our lives. On this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected we are joined by Sam Led. He is a mindset and transformation coach, and he has developed a program that allows him to help people recover from a life setback or loss. 
It is no secret that parents have had the difficult task of steering teens away from illegal drug use for a very long time. But what about the dangers that lurk inside the walls of our home? Our friends from Chesapeake Integrated Behavioral Healthcare join us for this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected to discuss the misuse of over the counter medications in teens.
Have you ever been in the middle of the best night of your life- and then you woke up? This happens extremely frequently. People wake up after having a dream and think “what does it mean?” Lots of people resort to Google to try and find out the deeper meaning behind their dreams, but there is a better option. Enter: Benjamin the Dream Wizard.