Reiki is a form of alternative therapy commonly referred to as energy healing. It is said to involve the transfer of universal energy- from the practitioner’s palms, to their patient.
For some people, even the thought of flying can induce extreme stress. But what makes flying such a stressor for people? Rachel Ann is joined by Dr. Martin Seif, Ph.D. He is the cofounder of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America and has done extensive research on flying phobias. 
One of the worst things in life that a parent can go through, is the loss of a child. Try losing both of your parents, and then losing a child on their birthday. Enter Kimberly and Warren Griffin, superheroes and the forces behind Bully Magazine.
Many adults still carry remnants of anxiety and depression with them that began with childhood trauma. Speaking out about childhood trauma can be daunting and quite frankly, scary! Shanon Page joins Rachel Ann for this special episode of Calm, Cool and Connected.
Surviving Childhood Trauma  Many adults still carry remnants of anxiety and depression with them that began with childhood trauma. Speaking out about childhood trauma can be daunting and quite frankly, scary! Shanon Page joins Rachel Ann for this special episode of...
Social anxiety disorder is defined as an intense, persistent fear of being watched and judged by others. Jeremy Greene joins us on this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected to walk us through his battle with social anxiety to where he is today: a mindset coach with a perpetually positive attitude. 
We know that going to therapy can be hard, but what happens when the relationship between you and your therapist isn’t working out? Lauren Siegel, Licensed Social Worker, joins us on this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected to discuss what the relationship with your therapist should look like.
Sylvia Dadaian, certified massage therapist, talks us through the background of the sympathetic versus parasympathetic nervous systems, and guides us through why massage is so beneficial to your mental health.
Growing up and learning who you are is always a process. What if you were brought up Christian and then came out as gay? Nancy Shadlock joins us on this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected to tell us her story.
Sometimes your life is seemingly perfect from the outside. Perfect job, perfect husband, perfect house, etc. Then one day you find yourself in the midst of a massive panic attack feeling like the world is ending. What do you do now?