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Jacob Sterle is a California native, having moved to Virginia Beach about 7 years ago to receive his Bachelors of Arts in Cinematography and Television at Regent University. While attending college, he was known as the dorm's resident mechanic,...
There is a fragility and uniqueness to Arizona's environment that makes it challenging for beekeepers. But those challenges make for some of the best honey production in the country. Vicente Gonzalez, President of Arizona Apiaries has accepted the challenge,...
Join the celebration as Cox brings blazing fast internet speeds to not only it's business customers but for residents as well. "Gig service is so important to the city of Fredericksburg because it's not just a personal luxury anymore. It...
The 2017 winners of Southern Nevada's Top Tech Exec Awards are hopefully still basking in the glow of the shiny trophies they took home on the night of November 16th. The ceremony, emceed by Greenspun Media Group publisher, Gordon...
Technology is so tightly woven into our lives that it's easy to forget that people—very smart people—are behind creating it, improving it and maintaining it. (Thanks IT departments everywhere!) This is why Cox Business honors the tech community in...
Roxanne Wingate, Cox Public Affairs Department, explains the Cox Connect2 Compete Program. A recent computer distribution involved giving away 50 computers in the Osborn School District. She explained the families who qualify have the opportunity to purchase a computer...
"Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach him to fish, he eats for a lifetime." This is a famous proverb that you'll find when you visit the ITI Technical College website. These words aren't just tossed...
Our economy has three sectors. They are the primary, secondary / manufacturing and tertiary / service sectors. Across those sectors we have what are called advanced industries. SO WHAT COMPRISES THE ADVANCED INDUSTRIES? Companies in the advanced industries are those that...