MAAC – A Great Opportunity for Teachers and Children

MAAC started out in 1965. as the Mexican-American Advisory Committee really focused on being able to open opportunities for Mexican Americans that were in the United States, specifically in San Diego. In the 1970s, the name changed to the Metropolitan Area Advisory Committee, and really to let itself be known that it’s an organization that is very inclusive, and it’s open to all.

What’s Happening Vegas? – February 2024

If you’re looking for a place to watch the game, you will want to make those plans well in advance. Casino Sportsbooks and restaurants will both be requiring paid reservations. Restaurants on the Strip tend to have a set price that includes a table and food and beverages for the price.

Mirror of Grace – a Light in the Community

mirror of grace outreach

This foundational program is not meant to teach people how to parent, but instead to aid in methods of communication, mindfulness, problem solving and more. 

Anthony Rosano and the Conqueroos Visit Locally Louisiana

Anthony Rosano and the Conqueroos

Made out of wooden cigar boxes, these instruments are not only beautiful, but they teach us how important music is to people, and how they will get very creative in order to add music to their lives.

How to Choose Your Personal Injury Attorney


Most people have never had to hire a personal injury attorney, but it’s important to know how to choose the right one, should the need ever arise.

Explore YurView Anytime, Anywhere with So Many Ways to Watch

how to watch yurview anywhere anytime

No matter where you are or what you're watching, there's a YurView option to fit your life. Watch online, on your Smart TV, or on Cox Contour TV.

Hal the Cajun Lady Accent is Back on Locally Louisiana

world food championship

A little snafu caused her to have to make a last minute change to her recipe, but she did what a good Cajun cook would do -and made it work.

A Dentist Your Kids Will WANT to Visit

pediatric dentistry

The friendliness and welcoming demeanor of the staff shows just how much they care about children, and their expertise assures you that they are in the best hands.

Help with Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolutions

julie couret

Setting realistic goals which are actually achievable is the first step for success.  She also recommends breaking those goals down into smaller components and working on each component individually.

To Resolve or Not to Resolve -What’s Your New Years Plan?

Louisiana events

Looking for some "Out of this world" entertainment?  Check out FanExpo New Orleans Jan 5-7. If you're into comics, sci-fi, horror, anime, gaming, or cosplay, come share our playground. You'll feel out of this world – and right at home.