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Tag: Healthy Living

Joseph Liguori has been a cancer survivor since May 2005. Although he never smoked a day in his life and was physically active, he was diagnosed with lung cancer. According to Joseph he never felt sick. His friend, a...
Stephen’s story is the story of a high school competitive athlete and how his focus and dedication, as an athlete, served him well in his battle with cancer. The team at Phoenix Children’s Hospital joined his fight and together...
The ongoing quest to find more and better ways to battle cancer requires research and research requires funding. AutoNation Drive Pink Campaign is raising funds to continue the fight against breast cancer. Individual donations add up, but large companies...
There was a time when getting a cancer diagnosis was a death sentence. Today, via technological and medical advances, patients are fighting cancer and winning. This special presents the stories of three of those fighters. Cancer is a devastating disease...
ICAN is a free, family-centered youth service providing a full complement of programs proven effective in equipping youth to achieve personal and academic success by tackling substance abuse, gang involvement and juvenile delinquency.
Arizona Living kicks off the New Year by getting healthy and in shape thanks to FieldFit Gym. Learn more about this unique gym concept and also get some great exercise moves. And, if you wanted to check out those new...
In today’s hectic times, even children experience stress.   But how can we, as parents, guide them through the difficult times? Talk Therapy First, talk to your kids and ask them if they are feeling overwhelmed by anything in their lives. Explain...
Trying to shape up? You're not alone. This whole vicious cycle of battling the scale starts in October. Do you know the real scary part about Halloween? The fun-sized snickers bar that turns into a holiday snicker doodle. It never ends. Yet,...
If it is strength and conditioning or turning your life around Cesar Peraza is someone you need to see. A good place to meet up would be at his gym; Peraza Boxing Gym in Glendale, AZ. He came to...
By John M. Sayles, MD Colorectal Surgeon Sentara Cancer Network When patients are diagnosed with colon cancer, the extent of their cancer will be determined by staging, a system which identifies the size of a tumor and whether it has spread beyond...