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Inspirations: Spotlighting Volunteer Opportunities in Your Community

Volunteer Opportunities

The day started out as a typical day. I was running errands and decided I needed some caffeine to keep me motivated, so I stopped at the first place with a drive through. I placed my order and waited, somewhat impatiently, for the two or three cars in front of me to move through the line. When I reached the window with cash in hand the worker confirmed my order with a big smile and told me the car ahead of me had paid for my coffee. Surprise! As I drove away, I realized my motivation for the rest of the day was not going to come from caffeine, but inspiration.

My “gifter of coffee” had changed my day and I was inspired! I was inspired to pass the gesture along the next time I found myself waiting in line at a drive through. Or maybe I would pick up the check for someone at a restaurant.

Inspirations come from surprising sources.

People around us offer inspiration. I hope all of us have had the opportunity to be inspired by a teacher, coach or mentor who offered encouragement and helped us reach beyond what we thought we could accomplish.That kind of inspiration is something we can all pass along.

Circumstance is another agent of inspiration. Circumstances can inspire us to make a change – a change that will affect those around us and, in turn, ourselves.From time to time we find ourselves in situations that call for action and give us motivation to become an agent of transformation. A few hours a week teaching someone to read would be a small investment for a big change.

Sometimes inspiration comes from within. What interests you? What causes do you feel strongly about: climate change, humane treatment of animals, ending childhood hunger, making the world a better place through the arts, living a life of service, etc.? The possibilities are endless.

More often than not, our greatest inspirations come when we give of ourselves. All of us have something to offer, be it; time, talent, enthusiasm, finances, a listening ear, or even a cup of coffee.

Recently, Su Vida showcased residents of Arizona who were inspired to offer up their time to help their communities. Take a look at how their efforts have touched the hearts of many. They inspire us to lend a helping hand by taking advantage of volunteer opportunities in our own communities.

Working at a fire station is about more than just fighting fires:

Organization helping people with difficult pasts improve their futures:

Honoring individuals who have made positive changes in their community:

Using a community garden to teach practical life skills:

‘Community Policing’ is just as important as tracking down the bad guys:

Watch the full episode of Su Vida here: