Nancy Allen – Chair-Zoobiliee (00:02) Zoobilee! is an event where we come together with typically 30 to 40, restaurants, drinks and music and wonderful food over 21 event. And this year is especially fun because people are able to see our Asian lanterns this year. So it’s included in your Zoobilee! ticket.

Stacey Johnson – Roger Williams Park Zoo ( 00:21) One of the other great things about Zoobilee! is it partners us with with local businesses and regional businesses. Without them we couldn’t make this happen. We have great sponsors who are bringing us the food and the drinks and the entertainment that’s going to happen on that evening. That makes it the largest single day fundraising event for the organization up to up to this point in the year.

NA (00:38) I am looking forward to the dancing. The band is absolutely unbelievable. And when everyone starts dancing, and everyone’s on the dance floor together, and the wonderful cocktails provided by Douglas Wine & Spirits are fabulous sponsor of the event this year, I just can’t wait.

TJ Seaton – Douglas Wine & Spirits (01:00) Douglas  Wine & Spirits is a proud sponsor of Zoobilee! here at Roger Williams Park Zoo.

ED (01:05) It’s always been our promise and our passion to be active members in our community as part of the liquor industry, supporting nonprofit businesses all across Rhode Island.

TS (01:16) It’s really great to be a sponsor of Zoobilee!  We’ve done it for a number of years now, to be able to be the spirits, wine and beer sponsor for an event such as this one of their biggest single day fundraising events. It feels fantastic to be a part of the community.

ED (01:31)We love to be engaged with the community. And we find incredible value of making partnerships with our good business partners in the area.

SJ (01:40) Zoobilee! is one of our great engagement events that we conduct every year that really helps support the activities that that our mission base for the organization.

NA (01:50) And all of our proceeds go to our animals, education and conservation.

TS (01:57) It’s incredibly humbling to be such a large part of the community, especially for one that’s local to Rhode Islanders and all of southern New England such as Roger Williams Park Zoo.

NA (02:07) I want people to come this year, not just that it’s our 30th anniversary, not to just support the zoo and all the wonderful programs. But I want you to come and eat and drink and be with friends and dance. And just have fun and just appreciate being back in the world with people again.