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Change a Child’s Story with CASA


Karen and Patrick are thrilled to welcome Kendall Hebert, the executive director of Casa jdc 18.

CASAs are Court Appointed Special Advocates who serve in the 18th judicial district court, and focus on children who are in foster care due to abuse or neglect. CASAs work alongside DCFS to understand what is exactly is going on with the case and report back to the judge. Working with one child or sibling group at a time allows the CASA to be able to focus fully on the case.

Sadly, there is a waiting list across the state for a CASA, so volunteerism is extremely important. Volunteers typically spend approximately 10 hours per month with the children, and have at least on face to face meeting. They also work with any doctors or other people involved in the childrens lives.

The impact CASAs have on the children’s lives is incredible as they become the voice for the child. CASAs truly change the child’s story.

To learn more about what CASAs are doing, or to volunteer, watch the entire segment.

You can also get more information here:


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