
Living 757

Living 757

An innovative magazine TV show combining comedy, live music, videos, interviews, and Hampton Roads events.

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We’ve heard what doctors, teachers and other experts have to say about going back to school, but how do the students feel?  Then check out how two Hampton Roads natives are spreading the laughs farther than just the 757! 
Sophia could not just sit around and do nothing during this pandemic, so she got to work decorating masks for a fantastic cause.
Meet Tanecia and Tamerah Newman, of the Newman Fitness Foundation.  Tanecia created this organization with a mission to help people increase their quality of life through
Our hosts dish on shark week! After celebrating our frontline healthcare heroes, they chat with guests about everything from to joint pain to marriage!
During this crazy pandemic, whom we call heroes, has grown to include everyone from grocery workers to package delivery people, but these days none are more heroic than our healthcare workers.  These frontline heroes put themselves at risk everyday as they forego their safety to care for those suffering from the very contagious Covid 19
Dr. Robert Kuhn DC, the Clinic Director of the Chronic Conditions Centers, joins us to share how those who do not have surgery as an option can still get relief from chronic joint pain. Viscocupplementation, an injection with little to no down time can provide almost instant relief from painful knees.
What do our hosts, mustard and Flex 4 Change have in common?  They are spreading awareness about discrimination! 
What a fantastic way to learn math, science and engineering without ever setting foot in a classroom! The Tidewater Wooden Boat Workshop is an amazing week-long program where kids 12-18 years old help build full sized wooden boats then actually take them in the water and row and sail them. 
Being a senior can often-times mean being alone which can lead to depression.  With the One Call a Day program, Cox employee volunteers are able to reach out to aging seniors to let them know they are not alone. 
Learn how this young musician is healing our differences with music and love.