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Rocket to Heaven with This Burger

Burgers are like people. There are loads of them out there and every one is at least a wee bit different.

Like people, some burgers are overdone and a little crusty around the edges. Some piled so high with “extras” you forget whats at the core. Some a little greasy – make you feel like you need a shower after spending time with them. (or at least a couple of large wet-naps)

And for every burger variation, there is a person who likes it that way.

But some burgers, like some people – think Mother Theresa or Morgan Freeman here – are so good – so exceptional – they are loved by everyone. Enter the family of burgers at Rocket Fine Street Food. Rocket’s pilots, Joe Meneguzzo and Patricia Natter-Meneguzzo appeared on the “Chef 2 Go” tv show a bit back. Prepare to salivate as we revisit them.

The Rocket Fine Street Food Truck can be found in and around Providence, Rhode Island, but if you are not local to the ocean state area, it may just be worth planning a vacation around…Yeah, it’s that good!