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YurView Staff


Setting the Record Straight on Masks

While wearing face masks has become second nature for most of us at this point, there still seems to be conflicting information about when to wear them and if they help keep us safe.  Dr. Josette Gordon-Simet joins Cheryl Nelson to set the record straight.

Sidewalk Artwork, a Hollywood Stuntwoman, and Channeling Your Anger

Join Cheryl Nelson, Quincy Carr, and Danielle Alvari as they take you for another walk down Main Street! This week, find out about how one artist took his passion in a very unique direction, how a Hollywood stuntwoman and cheer coach has been dealing with COVID-19, tips for staying fit with Brix Fitness, how...
Big East Coaches For Action

Big East Coaches For Action Brings Awareness to Social Injustices

The Upside Podcast welcomes the Big East Coaches for Action Committee, a group looking to eliminate the prejudice, discrimination, and oppression that impact our student-athletes, fans, and communities.

Danielle Dodges a Bullet and America Re-Opens

Danielle talks about an overdue trip to the salon, and how her DIY hair-care almost went terribly wrong. Also, which theme parks will be reopening soon?

A Solution for the Truly Independent Traveler

Hotels and travel lodges are slowly beginning to open back up, but what if you're not ready to stay in one, but you still have the urge to travel? TAC RV is here to solve that problem! Sales Manager, Kevin Bernard joins Danielle Alvari to discuss the many things that RV travel has to...
ralston high school graduation

Ralston High School Class of 2020 Graduation (Replay)

Watch a replay of the Ralston High School "Commencement 2020" graduation celebration - Saturday, June 20, 2020.

Set Sail with Freedom Boat Club

Have you ever wanted to own a boat but not have to deal with all the upkeep and expense? Freedom Boat Club is here to make that wish a reality! Richard Cromwell joins Quincy Carr to talk about how you can make sailing the seas a new part of your life!

Can Quincy Qualify as an HVAC Assistant?!

This week, we sent Quincy to work with AC Masters where he was tested as an HVAC Assistant with the team. He was asked to help the pros remove a furnace from an attic and remove and replace a refrigerant unit. After experiencing a long day in the heat, with hard work and heavy...

Juneteenth in the 757

Welcome back to Living 757! This week we give you a history lesson in the importance of Juneteenth, we discuss Governor Northam's new declaration to make Juneteenth a paid holiday in Virginia and we hear from our hosts about their plans and summer happenings. We also send Quincy to work with AC Masters to see...

Getting Back to “Normal” for Businesses

As we move closer to a time where businesses will begin to open back up, Jim Shortal of Cox Communications joins Cheryl Nelson to talk about what that will look like and how businesses could and should respond.