Home Authors Posts by Shana Fischer

Shana Fischer

Shana Fischer

Christmas Angel Tree Project Gives Children in Need a Joyful Christmas

The Holidays is a time for giving and there is no one more worthy of a special gift than a child in need. The Christmas Angel Tree Project was started by Valley Realtor, Linda Booker. She wanted to make sure children who are in foster care or waiting to be adopted or at shelters were...
health benefits of art

The Health Benefits of Incorporating Art into Your Life

Want proof of the health benefits of art? Consider artist Georgia O'Keefe was still creating charcoal drawings two years before she died... at the age of 98. Incorporating art into your life can bring tremendous health benefits including reducing stress, increasing brain activity, and in some cases it can also help memory-loss patients. But, it's...
How to Stay Hydrated During the Summer

Every Sip Counts: How to Stay Hydrated During the Summer

When the temps soar during the summer, you can just look outside and your mouth will feel like the Sahara Desert. It's easy to get dehydrated and that can be a serious health issue. Our bodies are two-thirds water and we need that water in order for our organs and systems to function properly. Even...
How to Get Kids to Eat Healthy with Kohl's Fit

How to Get Kids to Eat Healthy Without a Fight

Eat your veggies. Try it, you'll like it. Take one small bite or no dessert. It's a common fight around dinner tables. Well-intentioned parents battling it out with stubborn children. But, getting your kids to eat healthy doesn't have to involve bribery, begging, or tears. With a few simple tips, parents can turn their...
Ways to Help in Your Community

Holding Out for a Hero: Easy Ways to Help in Your Community

Heroes come in all shapes and sizes. From the young child who saves up their allowance and donates it to a homeless shelter to the volunteers at a soup kitchen. We all have the ability to be a hero. There are simple, tangible and lasting ways we can be a hero. Here are a few...