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The Western Maricopa Education Center, or 'West MEC' is helping high school students develop marketable vocational skills, providing an alternative to college, or a smart way to pay for it.
You're never too young to start thinking about a career, and for decades Junior Achievement has been helping young people do just that.
Starting your own business is the dream of many adults, but Karson became the CEO of her own enterprise, k.serenity at the age of seven.
(Wednesday, 4/25 - 4:00pm MST Update):  Want to watch something really cool?  Check out this 3 minute time lapse of Rosie the Corpse flower blooming.  Link to video HERE. In case you missed it earlier, watch as Tucson Botanical Gardens Butterfly Exhibit...
Doing More ventures outdoors to celebrate Earth Month at the Desert Botanical Garden. We share stories to inspire a love of nature and a desire to protect the home we all share.
Doing More visits a dental clinic that's putting smiles on the faces of the homeless and economically challenged.
Spring is a great time for viewing migrating birds of all sorts and a great place to take in the spectacle is the Audubon Center.
Cox Communication's 'Connected Home' technologies are allowing seniors to remain in their own homes, safe and secure.
Cox Communications and their program Cox Conserves is dedicated to protecting the environment and a big part of that is keeping old electronics out of landfills.
Meet Eric Sophiea, winner of the 2017 Cox Conserves Hero of the Year award.  Discover how his efforts are making it easier for hikers to enjoy a day on the trail.