
Main Street Living

Main Street Living

What’s going on in your home town? Main Street Living brings you stories and experts from across the country and in your own community.

Quincy Carr shares his thoughts on the nationwide protests happening across the country following the death of George Floyd.
We all know that the sports industry has been hit hard by COVID-19. With tons of money lost due to the season being canceled, one team owner, Quint Studer of the Pensacola Blue Wahoos, came up with an ingenious...
Quincy Carr eloquently shares his thoughts about the current turmoil in America.
This week on Main St. Living Cheryl Nelson, Quincy Carr, and Danielle Alvari bring you the latest from all over the country from a drive-thru high school graduation to a minor league ballpark you can book for your own...
Find Out How Cheryl Got Her Hands on Some Quality TP Quincy Carr, Danielle Alvari, and Cheryl Nelson bring you the latest on what's going on with Main St. Living! Find out what awesome gift Cheryl received this week as...
Substance Abuse Aid with AdCare The CEO of AdCare Rhode Island, Frank Trapassi, joins Cheryl Nelson to talk about the ways AdCare can help those with substance abuse issues.
Music Industry Tips for Indie Artists Are you an aspiring musician, but you don't quite know the ins and outs of the music industry? Quincy Carr talks to Evan Prince of Artist Collective to get the scoop on everything that...
Take a Trip to the San Diego Zoo! Danielle Alvari is joined by Rick Schwartz, Ambassador for San Diego Zoo Global, to talk about all the wonderful things they do at the Zoo and Safari Park, and how the animals...
A Basketball Scout's POV During Quarantine Adam Finkelstein is a basketball scout who would ordinarily be out looking for the best new prospects in high school basketball. Now, he is still doing his job, but his life is significantly different....
Mentoring the Youth with Big Brothers Big Sisters Jamieson, Director of Development for Big Brothers Big Sisters, joins Quincy Carr to discuss the ways in which BBBS can help by providing mentors for our youth, especially during these uncertain times.